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Sports Injury Physiotherapy in Toronto

Welcome to Onyx Physio, where we're dedicated to getting you back in the game stronger and better than ever before with our comprehensive sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto!

Sports injuries can be a frustrating setback for athletes of all levels, from the weekend warriors to the seasoned pros. Whether it's a sprained ankle or a torn ligament, these injuries not only put a pause on your performance but can also impact your passion for the game. But fear not!

Our team of experts specializes in sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto can guide you through every step of your recovery journey. With a personalized approach tailored to your specific injury and athletic goals, we're committed to helping you regain strength, mobility, and confidence to return to the sport you love. Let's turn setbacks into comebacks - together!

Sports physiotherapy | A different approach

Sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto focuses on treating injuries and conditions specific to athletes and sports enthusiasts, often involving specialized techniques to facilitate a safe return to sports. It emphasizes sports-specific rehabilitation, performance enhancement, and injury prevention strategies, with a focus on improving overall function and quality of life.

Injuries treated with sports injury physiotherapy

Our expert sports physiotherapists can assess, diagnose, and design the right treatment to treat various conditions. Some of the conditions are –

  • Sprains and strains
  • Muscle and ligament tears/wears
  • Tendon injuries
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Overuse injuries
  • Cartilage injuries
  • Concussions and TBI
  • Sciatica, brachial plexus injury
  • Contusions and bruises
  • Bursitis
  • Joint injuries
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation.

Injury prevention

Sports physiotherapy can help identify muscle imbalances, weaknesses and biomechanical deficiencies that can increase the risk of injury during physical activities. Through specific assessments and tests, our sports physiotherapist can create personalized prevention plans, which include strengthening exercises, stretching and functional training, aiming to minimize the risk of injuries.

Injury rehabilitation

When an injury occurs during physical activities, sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our physical therapist uses therapeutic techniques and specialized exercises to speed recovery, restore function, and promote proper healing. Proper rehabilitation helps reduce pain, restore mobility and improve an individual's quality of life.

Performance improvement

Through personalized training programs, sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto can help athletes and those involved in physical activities improve their performance. We work to improve an individual's strength, flexibility, stability, endurance, and coordination, allowing them to perform movements easily.

Recovery after training

After an intense training or competition session, sports physiotherapy plays an important role in muscle recovery and reducing fatigue. Our therapist can apply recovery techniques, such as massage therapy, Myofascial release, cryotherapy, and other modalities, to accelerate the removal of metabolic waste, reduce inflammation, and promote muscle regeneration.

Guidance & education

Besides physical treatments, sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto provides guidance and education to individuals on proper training practices, ergonomics, posture and self-care. It helps our practitioners develop healthy habits and adopt injury prevention measures in their physical activities.

Our treatment resources at Onyx Physio

Sports physiotherapy in Toronto uses various resources and techniques to assist in the rehabilitation, injury prevention, and improvement of athletes' performance. Some of the resources we use are –

Therapeutic exercises: Our physical therapist prescribes specific exercises with the goal of strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, restoring function, correcting muscle imbalances, and enhancing athletic performance.

Joint mobilizations: These are manual techniques that aim to restore joint mobility and function. Our therapist uses controlled, gentle movements to improve range of motion, relieve stiffness, and reduce joint pain.

Manual therapy: Manual therapy is widely used in sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto and involves several techniques, such as therapeutic massage, Myofascial release, joint mobilizations and stretching techniques.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy, or ice therapy, is used in sports physical therapy to reduce inflammation, decrease edema, and relieve pain.

Functional training: Our sports physiotherapist uses exercises that resemble the specific demands of the physical activity practiced, aiming to improve the strength, stability, coordination and endurance.

The use of different electro-therapy modalities

Sports injury physiotherapy in Toronto utilizes various electro-therapy modalities to enhance recovery and performance. These modalities include ultrasound for deep tissue heating and promoting tissue healing, electrical stimulation for pain relief and muscle strengthening, and TENS for pain management. We often employ these techniques in conjunction with other therapies, helping athletes return to peak performance faster.

Kinematic assessment of the body's movements

At Onyx Physio, the patient undergoes a detailed clinical assessment, carried out by our specialists. It is this first step that enables specific treatment guidance. The patient is taken to a kinematic assessment of the body's movements. The purpose is to analyze how bones and muscles are organized in reaction to gravity and the forces acting on the human body. During this stage, we evaluate asymmetries, motor patterns, associated injuries, existence of compensations, and which structures must be worked on.